Saturday, August 4, 2007

My Completely Crazy Boss

I was reading an article about the local housing market this week, and in it was a quote from the owner of my old company. He was quoted a lot in the newspaper as a so-called expert.

Anyway, he said that the forecast for the local economy was good and that we shouldn't see any housing slowdowns. Well, there's two problems with that. One, the forecast for the local economy is always good. They never tell you it's bad until it's too late. Two, I wouldn't trust my old boss to predict the future of the housing market. A good day for my boss is when he wasn't urinating in front of people.

Part of me actually feels sorry for the crazy old man. He's clearly losing his mind. Nearly everybody hates him. But they hated him before he ended up in the looney bin last year. That's just who he is.

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